Evolving Activism: Are We Planting New Seeds Or Trying To Revive Rotten Fruit?
Have you ever had a piece of rotten fruit? There’s no saving it. It’s rotten much like our political system. And if you keep it with the other fruit, it will cause the good fruit to rot faster. So how do we change a rotten system? Well one path is to try and change the system from the inside. Another is to expose the fact that it’s rotten. Both valid and necessary approaches. Here’s another less traveled path. What about planting new seeds instead of solely trying to revive rotten fruit. We plant new seeds by elevating our consciousness.
Read MoreTalk Doesn’t Cook the Rice
Have you ever met someone who talked a good game but couldn’t deliver? Unfortunately, I have. They were great on paper and could quote all kinds of information and facts. Yet when it came time to perform, they came up short. Which brings to mind this Chinese saying – Talk doesn’t cook the rice.Less Talk, More DoingYou can talk all day long about cooking rice. At end of the day, what cooks the rice is not talk but applying heat and stirring the pot. Talk is not the same thing as doing, particularly when it comes to personal growth. We live in an information age where lots of people have lots to say. But far too many are doing more talking than practicing what they preach. This applies to yoga too.Talking about yoga, watching yoga on YouTube, or saving yoga pictures on Pinterest is not the same thing as getting on your mat and doing the practice. That is what cooks the rice and in the case of yoga, that is what causes the transformation.Information is Not TransformationYoga was intended to be transformational. On its most basic level – the practice is designed to transform our body – making it more flexible, strong, and pliable. On deeper levels, the practice has the potential to transform our mindset, energy, and spirit.Transformation occurs from consistent practice, energy, intention and shaking things up. But it doesn’t happen overnight, it occurs from practice. Practice provides one with the skills and experience that set the stage for change and growth. For instance, yoga provides skills to focus your mind, change your body, cultivate mindfulness and to manage your mood and energy levels. We build skill and experience from practice and application.At the end of the day, information is not transformation. Whether your spiritual practice is yoga, meditation, prayer, going to church…. Practice lays the ground work for transformation and growth by building skill and experience, so you have the tools to do the inner work. After all - talk doesn’t cook the...
Read MoreCreate a Home Yoga Flow Like a Pro
You’re ready to start a home yoga practice. You’re on your yoga mat – now what? Suddenly, you appreciate the challenge of coming up with a yoga sequence. For a few pointers on the art of yoga sequencing that I’ve learned from teaching yoga for a decade, check out my home yoga series #3.
Read MoreAdvice for Starting a Home Yoga Practice
After teaching a yoga class, one of my students shared that she wanted to start a home yoga practice and asked, “What should I do?” I started to rattle off a bunch of yoga postures to practice. Instead, I told her that the first step was to commit. Read more: https://tinyurl.com/y7o9ff6r
Read More3 Reasons to Do Yoga Over the Holidays
I can’t believe it’s the holiday season. Where did the year go! It’s been a year full of change and movement for me. Life surely isn’t slowing down as the holidays approach. With all the holiday parties, shopping, family, and travel, it’s easy to get out of your normal routines including your yoga practice. With the stress of the holidays, now is the time when you can use yoga the most. Yet it can seem so hard to fit it in. Here are three reasons to do yoga over the holidays.
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