3 Reasons to Do Yoga Over the Holidays

Posted by on Dec 13, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Home Yoga Series #1

I can’t believe it’s the holiday season. Where did the year go! It’s been a year full of change and movement for me. Life surely isn’t slowing down as the holidays approach. It’s easy to get out of your normal routines including your yoga practice. With the stress of the holidays, now is the time when you can use yoga the most. Yet it can seem so hard to fit it in. Here are three reasons to do yoga over the holidays:

1. Stress less with yoga

For many of us, the holiday season can be stressful. Stress levels can rise quickly when you’re dealing with airports, visiting family, shopping, etc. A simple yoga practice combined with slow, deep breathing can do wonders to release stress in the body and the mind.

2. Get your yoga on even if you can’t make it to a class

If traffic, work, travel, holiday shopping, or family happens, and you can’t make it to a yoga class, you can still get your yoga in. Maybe it won’t be an hour-long practice, but 20 to 30 minutes of yoga at home goes a long way and can be a lot easier to fit in your schedule when life gets hectic. If you want your yoga practice (or any practice for that matter) to improve, you need to do it consistently, even over the holidays.

3. Be Present

It's easy to fall back into old, familiar habits during the holidays. Be honest, you let go of some of those habits for a reason. Yet before you know it, you find yourself resurrecting these old patterns. Trust me, I’ve been there. Yoga encourages you to be present and aware, so you can make conscious choices instead of operating unconsciously out of habit.

When you get on your mat, you’re taking time for you, so you can tune in to what’s happening right here, right now. Mindfulness goes a long way over the holidays – not only can it help you avoid some of those old habits, but it also makes you more present. The more present you are for yourself, the more present you can be for others.


Want to learn more about establishing a home yoga practice. Stay tuned for my home yoga practice series!